So I've been thinking lately about blogging and the internet and everything about the world wide web and what it has done to our personal lives and the messages it sends out about race, gender, sexuality etc. I have this blog, you see, and if I had not put a picture up of myself on this blog, technically no one would know if I was black, white, yellow, brown, blue, or gold. Technically no one would know if I was Muslim, Asian, Indian, Native American, British, Australian, Italian and so on and so forth. This blog, the internet, allows anyone to become anyone they want - especially when you think about photoshopping and what not. But what many fail to remember is what it actually means to have a blog, to have a public web journal, with your thoughts on the internet. Yes, thoughts are made public when you speak your mind to another individual but thoughts and feelings on the internet are there for whomever. Literally...whomever. It bothers me really that I have a blog. Blogging is something that many do enjoy following as some web journals are creative, interesting and humorous. But to be a blogger means knowing the dangers blogging can bring to an individual. Having your words written out on the internet can bring in who knows - online predators, sex offenders, racists, sexists, and crazy politicians. Now....I say these things. I post my thoughts onto the internet. This means the sex offenders, predators, racists and sexists can see what I write if they come across me on the internet. This is public. This is more public than reading what I wrote only to my classroom of students. To be honest I find it unfair. I don't like the fact that I was never asked how I felt about starting a blog especially when I'm getting graded on it. How much liberty do I actually have with this? If it is indeed my blog. Some days I hate knowing I have to write a blog and put my name out there. Because it's never fun to feel targeted, exposed, naked and raw. And some days I love the blog because then I get put my beliefs out there and hopefully start awareness to those online about what's going on with us. What happened to our community, our species.
We need to move forward and create a vision of our world (because we're talking world wide web here) coming to the resolution of living together in peace and happiness. To not make other human beings, who all have feelings, suffer just because of their gender, race, ethnicity, class, age, or sex. We belong together in the place we call home - the earth. So one day am I maybe going to get a nasty comment from some other blogger about how I'm some weird peace loving chick who should be pushed aside? Where does it end? It pisses me off honestly, that in our world, our people, have over time chosen to create us as unequal just because of our physical appearance. Hello people! We're more than that! We're more than what we see in the mirror - and I think secretly we all know it. As individuals we know that. And yet what has this hatred towards others physical appearance lead us too? War. Anger. Violence. I don't know about you, but I think it's a lot more fun to not live in fear of being killed by another human. I think it's a lot more fun to have friends and family and hang out and laugh and play. And I think, as individuals we all know that. We do, we've just forgotten because we see color. We see color in humans. Color is awesome. I love blue and red and green and black and purple and white and pink and brown and every other color on the palette. Color is everywhere. We LOVE to see it (those of us who are fortunate enough to be able too). Why not then embrace the color of our physical bodies? We're all different shades on the color palette - that's all. Embrace it.
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